Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Get a Google + Page Today !

Google finally launched Google+ Pages for organisations and businesses. Much of the features resembles Facebook. However tools like the Google Search Engine, Google Analytics and other useful Google tools makes the Google+ Pages stand out.

Take a look at how you can  Start your own page.

Log in to plus.google.com

Click on Create a google+ page

Select the type of business page you want to create.
Tip: Hover over to find examples of business categories to help you select one.
Agree to the Pages terms and proceed.

Select a short and good Tag line which describes your business with a nice photo or business logo.

The pop up which adds photos is better than Facebook as it allows a bit of creativity and customisation.

Google+ allows you to choose between your profile and pages, just as in Facebook.In your stream you can share a photo,link or just text and Google+ allows to disable comments for a post, unlike Facebook.

Goggle says that it still experimenting with Google+ Direct Connect. In addition you could start a Hangout to allow all your fans to witness an event with you. Interesting feature...Only time will tell if Google+ Pages could pose a threat to Facebook fan pages !

Whats missing? The Custom Page URL ! Hope it will be done soon...

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