Saturday, 1 October 2011

Facebook's Timeline

One of the advantages of working in the social media industry is to be able to try out things in its nascent stage. Earlier, when I was not into social media, I had to wait for my friends to show me the new features. Since social media keeps changing all the time, it was really difficult catching up. But now the scenario has completely changed, thanks to my new social media job. Now not only can I try out the new features for myself but also show them to others. As you all know, facebook made a host of changes like introducing the ticker, hiding the poke and upgrading the security settings. these changes were in some way automatic as the user needn't do anything or there was a prompt from facebook after introducing the changes.

The most significant change which many still may not have noticed is the FACEBOOK TIMELINE...still wondering??? well if you have a laid back attitude then you need not worry because facebook will automatically enable the timeline for all profiles. But if you want to be a step ahead then you need to go ahead and install the timeline for your profile.

Why the timeline? Well its a lovely scrapbook which shows you all your activity since you joined facebook. All this with respect to time- hence the name timeline. The timeline on facebook features all the friends you added in a particular month, your status updates and lets you add an impressively large cover picture..Go ahead try the facebook timeline..m sure you will like it..

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