Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Facebook Insights: Revamped

Facebook Insights Icon

Facebook has upgraded its Page Insights giving a more detailed account of the page activity and fans. This is a major step to counter the Google + pages popularty. As the war in the social media platform continues be ready to experience dynamic changes throughout.The Insight Section could be found, like before, on the left hand side of your page.What facebook tries to achieve through its evolving Insights is to make page owners understand the actual performance of their pages.

Insights give vital information on how fans react to posts. A new defination called "Virality" was introduced to implicate the potential of the fans associated with the page. A customisable Export option allows users to collect and work on the page data. Facebook is allowing data to be collected in Excel or CSV file formats.

The sections "Friends of Friends" shows the number of people who are friends with your fans, thus highlighting the people who mite be interested with your page !

The section "People Are Talking About This" shows how many people are discussing things about your page with thier friends. The topics which they can share might range from liking your page to answering your questions.

The Total Reach section is further categorised as Paid, Organic and Viral. A healthy page should strive to achieve maximun organic reach compared to paid reach. The Viral reach is a good option too to consider working on !

Nevertheless, Facebook has answered its critics wanting a better statistical data representation. However it is far from givin us a complete Insight into the dynamics of our pages. Users may be comfused with the repetition of certain metrics. An advice to page owners would be to consider working on metrics which meets their publishing strategy ! So get your priorities right before you set out to work with a particular metric.

What's your Reach?

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Google+ Advantage For Businesses

Google+ Pages Logo
Last week you may have come across my blog mentioning the need for Google+ Pages for Businesses. And wow Google responded quickly by offering pages for businesses. Google+ Pages presents to us a host of marketing opportunities and makes the web a lot smaller ! Yes ! Smaller. The reason why I believe this is going to happen is because of the fundamental difference of a Google+ page with a Facebook Page.

In Mark Zuckerberg’s words, Google“is trying to build their own little version of Facebook". But we all know the added power of  Google Search for Google + Pages.It may prove an edge to Google over Facebook. Let us look at the potentials Google+ Pages holds for businesses.


1. Better Search Opportunities

Enhanced Search Opportunities
Google offers something extra, something that Facebook and Twitter can’t offer - the power of Web search.Call it cost efficiency, Google+ Pages fair far better compared to Facebook Ads. Generally the domain generates a lower CTR(Click Through Rate). In comparison, a Google + Page would be search friendly, as Google has over 60% of the Search Engine Market. This would mean a higher ranking of your page and website without spending much moolah ! It boils down to lesser effort to optimise your rankings on search engines. Create a page, maintain it and link it to your website. Let the Google algorithms do the dirty work. 

2. Better Analytics

Be Informed !
Google Analytics provides with metrics like time spent on page, referring sites top content, and geographic information. All this was horribly missing in the Facebook Pages Insights. Google with its detailed Analytics is a far better option for all the number crunchers. Its opens up information and visitor behaviour, giving the page owners the ability to adapt by the minutes!

3. Learn from Facebook's mistakes

Integrating Facebook’s positives and avoiding the mistakes offer invaluable lessons to Google. Better privacy settings, customisation and ,making content visible to the entire web (under user's discretion) could make Google Pages an instant hit. How did Google master these tricks so fast ? Of-course, learning from Facebook's mistake of making its users the "experimental Guinea Pig".

4. Direct Connect

Type + a on Google Search Query. It Prompts Google + Pages

I see it as a way how the Layman would go about in search engines in the future. Simply type + followed by the name of the brand/organisation in the search query box and hit the enter button. You will not be taken to the search results page. Instead directly to the Google+ Page of the brand/organisation. It would save us the time to go through hundreds of search results by taking us instantly to the Official Google+ Page. A special notification gives the option to the user to circle the Official Page. Companies can enjoy the Direct Connect feature once the have linked their website to their Google+ pages and vice-versa followed by a check by Google Algorithms to test the authenticity of the connection.

5. +1 Counts and being Circled as a Business

Add the +1 Button to your website
Business pages will have something unique compared to regular  profile pages — an overall Google +1 count that shows on their Google+ page. This may change the way you drive traffic to your website. Added to this, Google allows the users to add pages to their Circles. So Pages do not entirely lie in a separate category as on Facebook, but could well feature in Circles including friends and family.

6. The Power of Live Chat and Hangouts

Let Your Fans Experience it all. Live !
You must have noticed that whenever you use Facebook as a Page, you Facebook Chat is disabled. For sending a message across, you depend only on your status updates. What if you need to communicate instantly with a fan? On facebook, you would have to keep commenting on a particular post. However, Google+ Pages offer instant Chats. Moreover, Hangouts could be an excellent tool to promote an event such as a product launch or a conference.

More features are set to be rolled out in the coming days. One of these could be added personalisation to the tall blank spaces on both sides of a Google+ Page and enhanced tabs to control the different sections of a page. Stay tuned !

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Get a Google + Page Today !

Google finally launched Google+ Pages for organisations and businesses. Much of the features resembles Facebook. However tools like the Google Search Engine, Google Analytics and other useful Google tools makes the Google+ Pages stand out.

Take a look at how you can  Start your own page.

Log in to

Click on Create a google+ page

Select the type of business page you want to create.
Tip: Hover over to find examples of business categories to help you select one.
Agree to the Pages terms and proceed.

Select a short and good Tag line which describes your business with a nice photo or business logo.

The pop up which adds photos is better than Facebook as it allows a bit of creativity and customisation.

Google+ allows you to choose between your profile and pages, just as in Facebook.In your stream you can share a photo,link or just text and Google+ allows to disable comments for a post, unlike Facebook.

Goggle says that it still experimenting with Google+ Direct Connect. In addition you could start a Hangout to allow all your fans to witness an event with you. Interesting feature...Only time will tell if Google+ Pages could pose a threat to Facebook fan pages !

Whats missing? The Custom Page URL ! Hope it will be done soon...

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Things to expect from Google+

Google+ : A Facebook Killer ?

At the time of its launch Google+ was thought to be a facebook-killer. Millions flocked to the new social media platform and it was thought that facebook's days were indeed numbered. Circle, Hangouts and Sparks were a new thing and everybody wanted to have their share of the experiment. However midway, somehow, Google+ lost the plot. All thanks to the facebook add-ons like the Timeline, Video chat and better privacy options. The question that still remains to be answered is whether users are willing to leave Facebook for Google+. May be Google has to wait for a generation to meet success. The things that we expect to see from Google in the days to follow would be interesting. Some of the things which Google can take care of are discussed below.

1. Personalised Themes

Dynamic Themes

Google can pick up from where Facebook left. Users were unable to modify their themes to highlight creativity and differentiation. Probably Google + can allow users to add background images, enabling users to display their vibrant profiles.

2. Better Picture Galleries 

Improved Picture Galleries

Picture do tell a story. Many users take the joy of sharing their piece of the world through pictures. Google+ can gain a big advantage if it adds a picture editor. This would solve the problem of many who share pictures regularly. Normally we need to edit the pictures, crop them in an external editor and then upload it on social media platforms. Services like Picnik , Lunapic and Pixlr are used to edit and share the pictures onto social media. Also a more presentable and personalized display of pictures would be loved by users.

3. Pages for Businesses

Business Pages Are a Must

Google did announce that they had been developing pages for the businesses. It is yet to be released and all businesses are eager to get a glimpse of it. The advantage to business pages on Google+ pages would be a helpful integration of Google maps, Google places and the Google search of course. 

4. No Ticker

Privacy of the user should be a Priority

I was amazed to see the number of disapprovals for the facebook. No wonder Google + should avoid such real-time ticker to display what everyone else is upto. Users deserve privacy.

5. Limit The Number Of Pages Per User

Sky shouldn't be the limit

When you search for a page on face book you get countless options. More annoying is that there are pages with just 1 or 2 users. Fake pages are created in abundance. We need to streamline the number of pages to help the users find what they want, fast. This could be done by limiting the number of pages per user or setting a price for the creation of each page. I think this would tackle the problem of duplicity as well.

The days to come would determine the fate of Google+, whether users are won away from Facebook or not. I am looking forward to a more personalized and dynamic Goole+.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Measure Your Online Influence in Social Media Platforms

Unbox You True Reach

One of the most interesting and thought provoking topics included in my under-graduate course was “Influence”. It showed how the most unthinkable and minute elements in society lay claims to political authority and power. Influence could be hidden or displayed openly. Manifestation of Influence in politics relates to diplomatic talks, sanctions and grants. In the era of coalition governments (barring the US and UK) influence is a game-changer in the political arena.

Fast tract and a shift into the digital world. Influence may have different facets to it even in today’s  world of social media. Imagine being a Corporate Relations Manager. You need to build your relations with the present and potential clients. How would you go about doing this? Who would you try to communicate to get the most for your organization. The answer lies in choosing the most Influential ones. And how would you find out these lot of people. Simple. With the launch of services like Klout and PeerIndex. The former has indexed more than 100 Million individuals, scaling their influence on a scale of 1 to 100. Klout goes on to determine your actual reach and the impact your actions have based on your online interaction.

Be the Leader of the Pack

Who would benefit from these values of influences?

A host of people. 

Students- Consider an election. You would definitely try to gain the upper hand by bagging the most influencers on your side. Students are so often glued to social media platforms and hence their measurement of influence could be quite helpful.

Corporates- How about saving a few thousand bucks in advertising? Well this is exactly what you may end up doing if you are able to secure some influential clients. Business we know thrives by the word of mouth.It would also enable the organizations to recruit the best person for the job.

Politicians- Movements, demonstrations and demands could be a success or a failure depending on the influence a group has. If you get the most influential ones on your side possibilities are you may end up with not only the numbers but also the means and resources.
Or simply get your Influence Score and if you happen to be on the higher side than your pals you have the right to all the bragging rights.

For measuring your influence visit:

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Social Media For Small Companies

Engage In Social Networks

There has been a paradigm shift in marketing ever since the arrival of the world wide web. So accustomed  were the marketeers with traditional forms of marketing that they somehow did not believe that "internet would help them sell". Things have changed. Iconic launches of the Windows and Apple Inc. have helped changed this notion for the years to come. In a survey conducted by a leading marketing magazine last winter, the internet soared with dollars from marketing revenues. What helped in the influx of these financial resources in an otherwise skeptical sector? Its technology! And social media has a great deal to do with it.

People Love Being Addressed Directly
One of the few things new or smaller organisations need  to do is to do away with  the traditional broadcasting culture. Gone are the days when when your loyal customers would flock for your products after reading about your new endevours in a newspaper or magazine, or see your add in a commercial. Its the age of social media. Things happen on the move.You need to connect with the masses instantly. At times even before your product is launched. Interact, publish and reward and do much more at the social media platform. When you address or make any communication to a customer over a social media forum, it is likely that the person will be satisfied and content. It would imply each customer is looked after well and they hear directly from you.

Let you employees engage on social media platforms responsibly. This would certainly help your brand name expand on the web. Let workers share pictures and events related to the organisation with friends. Remember, many customers are won over in the social media platform than the website. Social media enables individuals to address their issues directly to the organisation.

Activities You May Undertake
 Companies should not restrict their presence on social media platforms only to marketing. Other avenues do exist for companies. Recruitment and other PR related issues could also be addressed at social media platforms. It is important that you choose the right tool and the right platform for engaging in social media for your organisation. A lot of it is determined by the type of product/services you intend to promote and the type of people you want to connect to.

Here are some of the social media sites to get things started:

1 | Facebook
2 | Twitter
3 | LinkedIn
4 | MySpace
                                                                                     5 | Ning
                                                                                     6 | Google Plus+
                                                                                     7 | Meetup

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Politics and Social Media

Change is a fundamental feature of human societies. People may be socialised politically into the traditional rules and practices of a society but this does not necessarily reinforce the status quo, preventing change or progress. Bottomore in his book ‘Political Sociology’ defines political change as one which brings about a significant reorganisation of government apparatus, a change in the relation between government and people, and to a large extent a restructuring of social relationships. Media, more specifically social media, has a substantive effect as contributor to change in contemporary world politics as we see events unfolding before us.

 Social Media and Its Influence in Contemporary Politics
After Barack Obama’s successful presidential campaign, many politicians turned to twitter to disseminate, their thoughts, with many U.S. Senators adopting social media tolls to raise awareness.  Politicians around the world are joining in the conversation in greater number each day, oppositions and government alike. However there is another type of political network rising which has nothing to do with any parties. First we saw it in North Korea, then in China, then in Iran... Those first attempts did not change the system but sent clear warnings to all their oppressors that the “public” knows what their leaders do and the “public” can act, organizing through the internet. Social media has helped in the restructuring of governments in Jordan, Tunisia, Yemen and Egypt. Its effect could be felt in Sudan and Bahrain.
              During the week of January 16-23 of 2011, 122, 319 tweets were sent. This number rose to 1, 317,238 for the week of January 24-30 of 2011. The buzz words were Cairo, Protest, Mubarak, Solidarity, Yemen, Streets, and time. Social media was lending a helping hand to the protestors to organise and mobilise the people. Social media has proved itself a powerful agent for the assertion of, and struggle for, civil rights, cultural identity and political independence, by passing traditional local and national boundaries and controls. Suddenly the events within one country cease to be local and become common knowledge. Networks of sympathisers across the nation, across the continent and across the globe can transmit essential information. Certainly, there is plenty of evidence that in many countries of the world the electronic highway is perceived as a threat to hierarchy and authority; and hegemony itself is undermined.

      Social media may also be used for opportunistic gains by the opposition leaders, who have no other means to mobilize the people. Often illusionary pictures and stories are presented before the people to discredit even an efficient government. Egypt is a very good example of this scenario, as the development and progress of the country under President Hosni Mubarak was highly Cherished, weeks before the beginning of the protests.

               Social media, thus, helps to propagate thoughts, events and information. But, once a government is unseated, does social media have any role to play? Does it provide any help in the formation of a new government? Most of the uprising in the recent past has shown that social media cannot provide leadership or help in the formation of new governments. This is because the social media platform is vast and opinions come from scattered sources. Often opposition to a government come from anonymous source. This is done to escape government’s crackdown on the opposition. Hence the country would be left leaderless after the overthrow of the existing regime.
               It would be interesting to observe the future role of social media in government formation, International Relations and Democratic movements. The government may also adopt social media to gain legitimacy. This can be done by spreading awareness and providing a platform to the citizens for free discussion. Hence social media can be both a boon as well as a curse for a government. What is to be seen is the capacity of modern governments to cope with the pace and scope of social media.

The Naxalite Movement in India

The Spread Of the Naxalite Movement

Naxilite or Naxalvadis (name from the village of Naxalbari in the Indian State of West Bengal where the movement originated), are a group of far-left radical communists, supportive of Maoist political sentiment and ideology. Their origin can be traced to the split in 1967 of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), leading to  formation of Communist Party of India (Marxist – Leninist). Initially the movement had its centre in West Bengal. In recent years, they have spread into less developed areas of rural central and Eastern India, such as Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh through the activities of underground groups like Communist Party of India (Maoist). They lead the Naxalite-Maoist insurgency. As of 2009, Naxalites are active across approximately 220 districts in twenty state of India [2] accounting for about 40 percent of India’s geographical area, They are especially concentrated in an area known as the “Red corridor”, where they control 92,000 square kilometers. According to India’s intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing, 20,000 armed cadre Naxalites were operating apart from 50,000 regular cadres working in their various mass organizations and millions of sympathizers, and their growing influence prompted India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh  to declare them as the most serious internal threat to India’s National Security. The Naxalites are opposed by virtually all mainstream Indian political group. In February, 2009, Central Government announced its plans  for simultaneous, co-ordinated counter-operations in all Left-wing extremism-hit states- Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Andra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Bihar, Utter Pradesh and West Bengal to plug all possible escape routes of Naxalites. Violence in Bengal.

The Naxal movement was immensely popular with not only the radical  sections of the student movement in Calcutta, but the whole student body of Bengal undeniably were  sympathetic about them since the mainstream Communist ideology had proved itself  to be hypocritical and farcical in practice. The state machinery of India systematically annihilated this student support baseline from the whole movement as international human right watchdog bodies picked up frantic call of disappearances of students and intellectuals. Between 1969 and 1979 an estimated 5000 students and intellectuals disappeared or were killed under mysterious conditions. Charu Majumdar progressively changed the tactics of CPI(ML), and declared that revolutionary  warfare was to take place not only in the rural areas but everywhere and spontaneously.

Throughout Calcutta, school were shut down. The student of Jadavpur University used the machine shop facilities to make pipe guns to attack the police, resulting in the deaths of several dozen policemen and an unconfirmed number of civilians. Their headquarters become Presidency College, Kolkata. The movement soon found ardent supporters amongst most of the educated class, and Delhi’s prestigious St. Stephen’s College, alma mater of many contemporary Indian leaders and thinkers, became a hotbed of Naxalite activities.

How many Naxalite groups are there?

        The Communist Party of India (Marxist – Leninist) is the political outfit that propagates the Naxalite ideology. There are front organizations and special outfits for specific groups such as the Indian People’s Front, People’s War, Maoist Communist Centre, People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army etc.,

Where do the Naxalites operate?

        The Naxalites Operate mostly in the rural and Adivasi areas. These areas are the least developed areas of India. Their operation is most prominent in (from North to South) Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Eastern Maharastra, the Telengana (North – Western) region of Andhra Pradesh, and Western Orissa.

Who do the Naxalites Represent ?

        The Naxalites claim to represent the most oppressed people in India those who are often left untouched by India’s development and by passed by the electoral process. Invariably, they are the Adivasis, Dalits, and the poorest of the poor, who work as landless labourers, often below India’s mandated minimum wage rate. The criticism against the Naxalites is that despite their ideology – to have a classless and equal society, the Naxalites have over the year become just another terrorist outfit, extorting money from middle – level land owners, and worse, even extorting and dominating the lives of the Adivasis and villagers, who they claim to represent in the name of providing justice.

Who do the Naxalites Target?

  Ideologically, the Naxalites claim they are against India as she exists currently. They believe that Indians are still to acquire freedom from hunger and deprivation and that the rich classes--------- landlords, industrialists etc…. control the means of production. Their final aim is to overthrow the present system, hence they target politicians, policemen, forest contractors, etc.

Anti – Government Stand?

 The Naxalites ideology finds strength from the very concerns of the Government is trying to grapple with exploitation, low wages, unemployment and underdeveloped from sector. In the opinion of the Naxalites, the UPA Government’s SEZ policy is aimed at creating “Neo-colonial enclaves” Members of the Naxalite Movement have mobilized against proposed SEZs in Nandigram, Singur, Kalinga Nagar, Lohandiguda and Polavaram.

Mode of Operation and International Links
The Naxalites have armed platoons that seize weapons from isolated police stations. As the weaponry increased, safe houses in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh sprung up to store AK-47s, SLRs, INSAS, 03 03s, 12 bore riffles and hand grenades landmines, improvised devices and rocket launchers were assembled in cities.

 Maoist from the subcontinent chipped in through the Co-ordination committee of Maoist Parties and Organisations of south Asia (CCOMPOSA), Nepal Maoist were an important link till they joined the political mainstream. Their arms training are intense and fashioned after modules of the Liberation Tiger of Tanul Eelam (LTTE), says an intelligence officer in Raipur and Dantewada. The LTTE connection is Suspected because of the liberal use of landmines and pressure bombs. But unlike the Tigers or Islamic extremists, Indian Naxalites are yet to use suicide squads for their offensives.

Recent Naxal Violence

1)     Shilda (West Midnapore)

On February, 2010 Naxals attacked a police camp where 24 Jamans of the Eastern Frontier Rifles (EFR) lost their lines. “It was not expected that such an attack would take place in a built –up area like Shilda”, Bengal Police Chief Bhupinder Singh said after an inspection of the burnt down camp of the Eastern Frontier Rifles. Officials in the Union Home Ministry identified few errors that helped the Naxals launch the attack. Lack of Preparedness despite P.Chidambaram holding a Multi-State meeting in Bengal the previous week, only two sentries were on duly, Jawans not carrying guns and letting out a toilet inside the camp to be used by outsiders were some of the major flames  which went a long way in helping the Naxals carry out the attack. The Chief Minister of West Bengal, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee said there was a lack of alertness” by police when the Maoists attacked the Eastern Frontier Rifles Camp and that an inquiry would be conducted.

2)     Maoist Tentacles in Telangana.

The Andhra Pradesh Government claimed that the Telengana Movement was not “Student – driven” and had been infiltrated by “hardened “ Naxalites. The claim states that there has been large – scale Naxalite infiltration into the Telengana Movement. Harish N. Salve, counsel for the state in a Supreme Court Case, said that, “We have videographed the entire happenings on the Osmania Campus  and the agitations does not appear to be student driven”,.

3)     Bihar

Over a hundred Maoist guerrillas swooped down a remote Bihar village, blew up huts with dynamites and massacred nearly a dozen, including children, in an attack the rebels said was in revenge for the eight comrades. This incident look place on the midnight of 17th February 2010. The village resident said security forces were aware that their village was a target of the Maoists but did not take adequate measures.

4)     Dalbhumgarh, Jharkhand

Four Maoist, hiding AK-47s abducted the BDO in the presence of over 200 people, including, some policemen, Prashant Kumar Layek (aged 34), the BDO of Dalbhum under Ghatshila sub-division of East Singhbhum District, had just  about wrapped up a lok Adalat that was being held inside his office compound on the 13th of February, 2010 when four Maoist who were waiting  outside his office struck they assaulted him with the butt of their rifles and forced him on one of the bikes and sped away. A Massive combing operation was launched to rescue the abducted BDO. The abducted BDO was handed over to two journalists after a six-day ordeal. Layek was handed over 150 Kms from Jamshedpur. The Maoists put up some demands to the Chief Minister of Jharkhand to release the 14 undertrials of the Maoist group.This incident shows home the Naxals can leave the government officials helpless and forcefully leading to the acceptance of their demands.

Violence has peaked in India from Maoist or Naxalite separatist violence being more dangerous to India’s national, as declared by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Need to Rethink The Government Strategy

From the Minister of Home Affairs it has been stated that:

•      1996: 156 deaths 

•      1997: 428 deaths 

•      1998: 270 deaths

•      1999: 363 deaths

•      2000:  50  deaths

•      2001:100+deaths

•      2002:140  deaths

•      2003:451  deaths

•      2004:500+deaths

•      2005:700+deaths

•      2006:750  deaths

•      2007: 650 deaths

•      2008: 794 deaths

•      2009:1134 deaths


The Government has a clearly defined policy to combat the challenge posed by the Naxalite menace. This policy comprises the following components:-

(i)     The Government will deal sternly with the naxlites indulging in violence.

(ii)    Keeping in view that naxalism is not merely a law & order problem, the policy of the Govt. is to address this menace simultaneously on political security, development and public perception management fronts in a holistic manner.

(iii)   Naxalism being an inter-state problem, the states will adopt a collective approach and pursue a coordinated response to counter it.

(iv)   The states will need to further improve police response and pursue effective and sustained police action against naxalites and their infrastructure individually and jointly.

(v)    There will be no peace dialogue by the affected states with the naxal groups unless the latter agree to give up violence and arms.

(vi)   Political parties must strengthen their cadre base in naxal affected areas so that the potential youth there can be weaned away from the path of naxal ideology.

(vii)  The states from where naxal activity/ influence and not naxal violence, is reported should have a different approach with special focus on accelerated socio-economic development of the minimize over ground support for the naxalite ideology and activity.

(viii) Efforts will continue to be made to promote local resistance groups against naxalites but in a manner that the villagers are provided adequate security cover and the area is effectively dominated by the security forces.

(ix)   Mass media should also be extensively used to highlight the futility of naxal violence and loss of life and property caused by it and developmental schemes of the Government in the affected areas so as to restore people’s faith and confidence in the Government machinery.

(x)    The states should announce a suitable transfer policy for the naxal affected districts. Willing, committed and competent officers will need to be given greater delegation and flexibility to deliver better and step up Government presence in these areas.

(xi)   The Government of Andhra Pradesh has an effective surrender and rehabilitation policy for naxalites and has produced good results over the years. The other states should adopt a similar policy.

(xii)  The State Government will need to accord a higher priority in their annual plants to ensure faster socio-economic development of the naxal affected areas. The focus areas should be to distribute land to the landless poor as part of the speedy implementation of the land reforms, ensure development of physical infrastructure like roads, communication, power etc. and provide employment opportunities to the youth in these areas.

(xiii) Another related issue is that development activities are not undertaken in some of the maxalite affected areas mainly due to extortion, threat or fear from the naxalite cadres. In these areas, even contractors are not coming forward to take up developmental work. Adequate security and other measures would need to be taken to facilitate uninterrupted developmental activities in the naxal affected areas.

(xiv) The Central Government will continue to supplement the efforts and resources of the affected states on both security and developments fronts and bring greater co-ordination between the states to successfully tackle the problem.


i.      While the overall counter action by the effected states in terms of naxalites killed, arrested, surrendered and arms recovered from them has shown much better results in 2005, there is an urgent need to further improve and strengthen police response particularly by the states of Bihar,  Jharkhand, Orissa, Maharashtra  by improving actionable intelligence collection and sharing mechanisms and strengthening their police forces on the pattern of Greyhounds in Andhra Pradesh. Even as the states of Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh to some extent, need to sustain their present momentum of effective counter action against the naxalites and their infrastructure.

ii.     The Government has taken the following measures to control the naxal problem.


i. Funds are given to the States under the Police Modernization Scheme to modernize their police forces in terms of modern weaponry, latest communication equipment, mobility and other infrastructure. The maxal affected States have also been asked to identify vulnerable police stations and outposts in the naxal areas and take up their notification under the Scheme. However, some of the States need to improve the level of utilization of funds under the Scheme.

ii. Revision of Security Related Expenditure (SRE) Scheme in February, 2005

iii. The level of reimbursement under the Scheme has been raised from 50% to 100% and new items like insurance scheme for police personnel, community policing, and rehabilitation of surrendered naxalites, expenditure incurred on publicity to counter propaganda of naxalites, and other security related items not covered under the Police Modernization Scheme etc. have been covered. The Scheme also allows release of funds to the naxal affected States as advance. It is hoped that the revised scheme will enable higher level of utilization of funds under this Scheme.

Keeping in view the increased casualties of police due to IED/land mine blasts, the naxal affected States have been provided Mine Protected Vehicles (MPVs) under the Police Modernization Scheme. Their supply has been streamlined by taking up the matter with the Chairman, Ordinance Factory Board.

In order to supplement the efforts of the States in providing an effective response to the naxal violence, Central Para Military Forces have been deployed on a long-term basis as requested by the affected States. The Central Government has also exempted the states from the payment of cost pf deployment of these forces for a period of three years from 1-7-2004 involving an amount of nearly Rs. 1,100 crores.

The naxal affected States have been sanctioned India Reserve (IR) battalions mainly to strengthen security apparatus at their level as also to enable the States the States to provide gainful employment to the youth, particularly in the naxal areas. Recently, additional IR battalions have also been approved for the naxal affected States. The Central Government will now provide Rs. 20.75 Crores per IR battalion as against the earlier amount of Rs. 13 Crores per battalion. The States have been asked to expedite raising of these battalions.

In order to ensure that there is no spillover effect of the activities of Nepalese Maoists to our territory has been given the responsibility to guard Indo-Nepal Border. The Government has also recently sanctioned new raisings for the SSB to further improve management of borders in these areas. A modernization plan involving an outlay of Rs. 444 Crores has been sanctioned for the SSB.

In order to wean away the potential youth from the path to militancy or naxalism, recruitment guidelines have been revised to permit 40% recruitment in Central Para Military Forces from the border areas and areas affected by militancy or naxalism.


Since the naxalite menace has to be addressed on the developmental front also, the Central Government has provided financial assistance of Rs. 2,475 crores for 55 naxal affected districts in the 9 States of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh & West Bengal under the Backward Districts Initiative (BDI) component of the Rsahtriya Sam Vikas Yojana (RSVY). Under this Scheme, an amount of Rs. 15 Crores per year has been given to each of the districts for three years so as to fill in the critical gaps in physical and social development in the naxal affected areas. The Planing Commission has been requested to include other naxal affected areas under their proposed Scheme of Backward Regions Grant Funds (BRGF) for which an outlay of Rs. 5,000 crores has been set apart from this fiscal year (2005-06) onwards.

      In order to address the areas of disaffection among the tribals, the Government has introduced the Scheduled Tribes (Recognition of Forest Rights) Bill, 2005, in Parliament on 13-12-2005. Further, to facilitate social and physical infrastructure in the forest areas, Ministry of Environment  and Forests has as requested by the MHA, issued general approval to allow such infrastructure by utilizing upto 1 hectare of forest land for non-forest purposes. That Ministry has also permitted upgradation of kutcha roads constructed prior to 01-09-1980 into pucca road.

      Naxal groups have been raising mainly land and livelihood related issues. If land reforms are taken up on priority and the landless and the poor in the naxal areas are allotted surplus land, this  would go a long way in tackling the developmental aspects of the naxal. The States have been requested to focus greater attention on this area as also accelerate developmental activities  and create employment opportunities in the naxal affected areas with special focus on creation of physical infrastructure in terms of roads, communication, power as also social infrastructure such as school, hospitals etc.

     The Central Government accords a very high priority to review  and monitor the naxal situation and the measures being taken by the states on both security and development fronts to control it.  Several monitoring mechanisms have been set up at the Center to do so. These include a  periodical review by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) of the naxal situation, Standing Committee of the Chief Ministers of the naxal affected states chaired by the Union Home Minister, Quarterly Co-ordination Centre meetings chaired by the Home Secretary with the Chief Secretaries and the Directors General of Police of the affected states and the monthly Task Force meeting of Nodal Officers of Naxal affected states/Central agencies chaired by Special Secretary (IS), MHA. The states have also been asked to hold a monthly review by the GDP and the naxal situation and the measures and strategies to contain the naxal problem.

Rising Death Tolls Due To Naxal Violence


 The Central Government views the naxalite menace as an area of serious concern. The Government remains firmly committed and determined to address the problem. The current strategy is (i) to strengthen intelligence set-up at the state level; (ii) pursue effective and sustained intelligence driven police action against naxalites and their infrastructure individually and jointly by the states and (iii) accelerate development in the naxal affected areas. The Central Government will continue to co-ordinate and supplement the efforts to the state governments on both security and development fronts to meet the challenge posed by the naxal.

Facebook's Timeline

One of the advantages of working in the social media industry is to be able to try out things in its nascent stage. Earlier, when I was not into social media, I had to wait for my friends to show me the new features. Since social media keeps changing all the time, it was really difficult catching up. But now the scenario has completely changed, thanks to my new social media job. Now not only can I try out the new features for myself but also show them to others. As you all know, facebook made a host of changes like introducing the ticker, hiding the poke and upgrading the security settings. these changes were in some way automatic as the user needn't do anything or there was a prompt from facebook after introducing the changes.

The most significant change which many still may not have noticed is the FACEBOOK TIMELINE...still wondering??? well if you have a laid back attitude then you need not worry because facebook will automatically enable the timeline for all profiles. But if you want to be a step ahead then you need to go ahead and install the timeline for your profile.

Why the timeline? Well its a lovely scrapbook which shows you all your activity since you joined facebook. All this with respect to time- hence the name timeline. The timeline on facebook features all the friends you added in a particular month, your status updates and lets you add an impressively large cover picture..Go ahead try the facebook timeline..m sure you will like it..

Friday, 9 September 2011

Link Facebook fanpage to Twitter account

With the growing importance of facebook fanpages for business, it is essential for us to link it with our twitter account. You could argue that you might as well post on your facebook fanpage instead of tweeting, but twitter is a unique marketing tool in itself. So, you could emerge a winner only if you could integrate the two. How?? I am going to show you that in a few simple steps.

1. Log into your facebook account

2. In a new tab open :

3. Click on " Get Apps"

4. In the section titled " BASIC APPLICATIONS" click on "INSTALL" below to the Twitter App

5. The next page seeks your permission to add the App to your page.Click on "Add Tweets To Pages"

6. The next page Requests permission for Tweets for pages. Click on "ALLOW"

7. The next page asks for the name of the company you are creating the page for and its phone number.Tick on Terms of Service. This is for their promotional policy only.

8.In the next page you are required to field in the user name of the twitter account you want to link your facebook page to. From the drop-down menu select the number of tweets you want to display on your tab.

9.First ADD the username (beginning with @) then click on SAVE CHANGES

10. Go to your fan page where you will notice a new tab labelled as TWITTER

11. Click on the tab and you will see the tweets from your linked twitter page. Wait its not over yet ! go a step ahead. Post selective Tweets on the wall of your fan page by clicking on PUBLISH when you hover your mouse over a particular tweet..

Go ahead and link your facebook Fanpage to Twitter....

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

The New Face Of Social Media

Initially I wasn't a social media enthusiast at all..Things changed dramatically when I joined an Internet Marketing firm for my internship in the last year of my graduation. I knew what facebook was and had around 200+ friends at that point of time.. I was there only to connect with my Friends who had gone away for their studies.. Applications on facebook like Farm-ville and City-ville drew my attention at times. However, I wasn't taken into it as my other college friends, most of whom had over 500 friends.

My first experience with social media was with Orkut..It was when I was in high school.Back then no one realized the potential of social media like we do today. It has made significant contributions to the way we think, act and connect. Take the example of President Barrack Obama. He successfully used Twitter in his Presidential campaign and emerged victorious. It is not guaranteed that your social media campaign will always go smooth without any hi-cups. Take the example of the Indian MP Mr. Shashi Tharoor. His Tweets about the "Holy Cows" lead to his resignation from an official post. Such was the momentum social media had gathered over time.

 I understood the value of social media.It was not only being utilized for connecting and sharing stuffs with ones friends and family. Its being used today as a major marketing strategy. When I got a dissertation assignment for my final semester, I chose the topic "The Impact of Social Media In Politics". Significant developments occurred in the global political arena which caught my attention. By then my experience as an intern gave me the opportunity to understand the dynamics of social media better. Social Media toppled governments one after another and the Egyptian President Hossein Mubarak was the worst sufferer, losing power which he held for 30 years.
I consider myself lucky to work in an industry which is very deeply integrated to social media. I get to experience all the latest developments in the field of social media. With limited technical and programming knowledge, I have huge grounds to cover..Lots of interesting things to learn..